IdeasLab64b News

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Apple Watch: Tracking Customers with Digital Ads 


Written by Guest Author, January 31st, 2015

The much-anticipated Apple Watch is set for an early 2015 (sometime in March) release date. Now, we are all aware of its health-monitoring features but many mobile marketers believe that its real potentials lie elsewhere. The smart watch from Apple is actually good at putting digital ads on your potential customers’ wrists, helping you to better reach your target audience(s) or at least that’s what The Wall Street Journal says.



2015 for Internet of Things


The Internet of Things promises to fix most of the annoyances of the 21st century homeowner. Broken appliance? Sensors will diagnose what’s wrong, report it to the manufacturer, and quickly dispatch a repairman with the necessary part. Intelligent light bulbs will make your home look inhabited while you’re away. And if your pipes should freeze and then burst, a device in your basement will alert you by smartphone before you’ve got a swimming pool.

Is 2015 finally the year that the long-heralded potential of a house full of connected devices starts to materialize? At this week’s always optimistic Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, keynote addresses and panels of experts will ma....


iBeacon Buffet: The Next Generation of Beacons Is Better (And Harder) Than the Last

Beacons just keep getting better. And the choices more difficult.

With manufacturers creating a new generation of the little devices it isn’t just battery life or reliable firmware you need to think about – but also choices about security, vendor lock-in, or concurrent technologies.

Even the definitions have shifted – you see a lot less talk about iBeacon and more references to BLE. Apple took the lion share of attention with its iBeacon specification, but as Android and other devices starting coming on board the larger industry started to understand that there wasn’t anything particularly special about an iBeacon – it was more of a branding move by Cupertino.


McDonald’s increases sales by beaming offers to smartphones in iBeacon pilot


McDonald’s is testing Bluetooth beacon-based offers in at least some of its locations as it pilots beacon platform Piper that works with both iOS devices using Apple’s iBeacon framework and other mobile devices.

Piper announced today that it’s testing its beacon platform in McDonald’s franchises in Columbus, Georgia and pushing deals out to users that download its mobile app that sends location-based offers when users come in contact with its beacons.


Marsh Supermarkets pioneers iBeacon-Apple Watch integration


Marsh Supermarkets will launch the first-ever Apple Watch iBeacon experience this spring as part of a bigger commitment to enabling in-store engagement via mobile devices.Marsh Supermarkets, which owns stores Indiana and Ohio, also claims to be the first retailer to use its customer relationship management platform to measure the effectiveness of its iBeacons and wearables in-store by fully integrating its loyalty program with its mobile strategy.

Marsh Supermarkets partnered with inMarket in 2014 to roll out iBeacons to all of its United States stores....


Your Environment Is the Interface: Using iBeacon to Enhance the UX of Place


August Smart Lock: Installation!

How the Home Telephone Sparked the User-Centered Design Revolution


BY MARGARET RHODES   01.22.15  |   6:30 AM  |

Have you ever thought about why doorknobs are positioned at around two-fifths of the door’s height, instead of right in the middle? Or why a washing machine is of its particular shape and size? These sound like stoner thoughts, but there’s actually an entire discipline and rich design history devoted to the answers.

In 1955 industrial designer Henry Dreyfuss publishedDesigning for People, a seminal book for.....SI


El juego a largo plazo del Apple Watch


Los apasionados de la tecnología tenemos una gran habilidad para decir por qué las cosas no van a funcionar pero muy mala para decir por qué sí van a funcionar. Esto es un fallo del que ninguno nos libramos. Se han escrito decenas de artículos y debatido hasta límites insospechados sobre por qué el Apple Watch será un fracaso, pero pocas veces nos hemos detenido a pensar por qué podría triunfar.

Existen un montón de dudas en el aire que Apple deberá despejar antes de su comercialización. A pesar de esto, ya hay encuestas en las que un 10% y un 18% de los usuarios de iPhone estarían interesados en el Apple Watch.


Beacon Week San Francisco


Written by Doug Thompson, January 16th, 2015

Beacons are the ‘gateway drug to the Internet of Everything’.And as we’ve shifted from prototypes to large-scale deployments and start to see increasingly complex systems aWritten by Doug Thompson, January 16th, 2015nd devices for managing fleets of beacons, the number of use cases and businesses which will be built around the devices will only grow.This deck is for those who attended Beacon Week in San Francisco today, sponsored by the team at


Supply Chain And Logistics Predictions For 2014

This is the time of year analysts and pundits make predictions for the following year. So here are my top five predictions. 
Growth of Natural Gas Fleets – Despite some of the real hurdles associated with running natural gas fleets, the growth of these fleets is inevitable. There is good ROI, if the routes are picked carefully, and at the same time a company is saving money they get credit for being socially responsible. Further, the price of this domestically generated fuel going forward will be much less volatile than oil and gas products that are sourced from some very unstable regions of the world.
